What are galenic formulations?
Galenic preparations are medicines that are prepared in pharmaceutical laboratories, according to specific regulations and specifications, always following your doctor's prescription, in order to provide accurate and stable dosages in any form such as drops, creams, etc. Galenic preparations are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of diseases and conditions. The doctor evaluates the patient's condition and decides which medicine is suitable for his/her treatment. The doctor then writes a prescription that includes the desired pain medication and the necessary instructions for dosage and frequency of use. The main reason for prescribing them is the patient's "lack of compliance" with existing pharmaceutical products available on the market, as well as the urgent need to develop personalised pharmacotherapy. Galenic medicines can be manufactured in various forms, such as capsules, syrups and creams. They are used to treat various health problems such as fever, pain and inflammation. Contact us and we will prepare your doctor's prescription for you, immediately.